著者・共著者名 |
発行年月 |
表題 |
掲載誌名 |
巻号頁 |
1 | 家後理枝†* | 2017/09 | 小児におけるESWL | Japanese Journal of Endourology | 30(2):147-150 |
2 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2017/04 | 上部尿路癌に対する開腹手術によるリンパ節郭清の成績とその意義 | Japanese Journal of Endourology and ESWL | 30(1):2-8 |
3 | 古澤美由紀†, 石田英樹, 奥見雅由, 清水朋一, 田邉一成 | 2017/04 | 腎臓移植後に産生されるHLA-DQ 抗体と慢性抗体関連型拒絶反応の関係について | 移植 | 52(1):51-59 |
4 | 長嶋洋治†*、山本彩、中島怜子, 森田賢, 福田洋典、高木敏男、近藤恒徳 | 2017/12 | 腎細胞癌病理分類の変遷とWHO2016の改訂点 | 画像診断 | 37(14):1427-1438 |
5 | 古澤美由紀†, 石田英樹, 奥見雅由, 海上耕平, 田邉一成* | 2017 | 自動分析装置Dimensionを用いた新規ACMIA法による血中タクロリムス測定の評価 | 腎移植・血管外科 | 28(1):1-7 |
6 | 服部元史*, 秋岡祐子, 近本裕子, 石塚喜世伸, 薮内智朗, 金子直人, 三浦健一郎, 笹田洋平, 滝澤慶一†, 富井祐治, 佐藤泰征, 家後理枝 | 2017/07 | 移植後顕著化した神経内因性膀胱により尿路感染症のコントロールに難渋した1例 | 日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 | 37:132-135 |
7 | 林 裕次郎、 永原 啓、 河嶋 厚成、 角田 洋一、 氏家 剛、 阿部 豊文、 福原 慎一郎、 藤田 和利、 植村 元秀、 木内 寛、 今村 亮一、 宮川 康、 市丸 直嗣、 前田 哲生、 野々村 祝夫 | 2017 | 腎移植後早期に臨床的に血栓性微小血管障害と診断し移植腎機能を救済し得た1例 | 日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 | 108巻3号 |
8 | 前之園良一†, 松永知久, 平野一, 能見勇人, 辻野拓也, 吉川勇希, 高井朋聡, 齋藤賢吉, 内本泰三, 反田直希, 南幸一郎, 高原健, 稲元輝生, 木山賢, 東治人 | 2017/07 | MMFからミゾリビンに変更し消化器症状が改善した2症例について | 日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 | 5(1):90-92 |
9 | 石原弘喜†, 奥見雅由*, 海上耕平, 平井敏仁, 清水朋一, 尾本和也, 石田英樹, 田邉一成 | 2017/07 | 腎移植後PTLD (Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder) について - 当科における過去30年間の経験 - | 日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 | 5(1):9-17 |
10 | 野呂大輔†, 米山徹, 畠山真吾, 飛澤悠葵, 盛和行, 橋本安弘, 古家琢也, 田中誠一, 西村紳一郎, 佐々木秀郎, 齋藤満, 原田浩, 力石辰也, 石田英樹, 田邉一成, 佐藤滋, 大山力* | 2017/07 | 血清N-glycanの質量解析による抗体関連拒絶反応予知因子の探索 | 日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 | 5(1):71-82 |
11 | 杉原直子†*, 吉岡睦美, 内田里美, 曽根祥子, 三宅克典 | 2017/07 | 移植術後合併症患者への自己管理能力確立に向けた指導 - 指導内容の立て直しと共有ツールの活用 - | 日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 | 5(1):66-68 |
12 | 服部元史, 秋岡祐子, 近本裕子, 石塚喜世伸, 薮内智朗, 金子直人, 三浦健一郎, 笹田洋平, 滝澤慶一†, 富井祐治, 小池淳樹, 佐藤泰征, 奥見雅由, 長嶋洋治, 黒田直人 | 2017/07 | 小児腎移植に偶発的に発見されたpapillary adenoma with foamy cell changeの1例 | 日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 | 5(1):43-46 |
13 | 清水朋一†* | 2017/05 | 腎移植に必要な免疫学の知識+移植腎病理の基礎 | 泌尿器外科 | 30(臨時増刊):791-794 |
14 | 山下かおり†, 巴ひかる | 2017/05 | 尿道疾患(尿道憩室、尿道カルンクル、尿道脱) | 泌尿器外科 | 30(臨時増刊):741-743 |
15 | OKUMI Masayoshi†*, SATO Yasuyuki, UNAGAMI Kohei, HIRAI Toshihito, TANABE Kazunari, ISHIDA Hideki | 2017/12 | Preemptive kidney transplantation: a propensity score matched cohort study. | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology | 21(6):1105-1112 |
16 | KAWABE Mayuko†, YAMAMOTO Izumi, KOMATSUZAKI Yo, YAMAKAWA Takafumi, KATSUMATA Haruki, KATSUMA Ai, MAFUNE Aki, NAKADA Yasuyuki, KOBAYASHI Akimitsu, TANNO Yudo, OHKIDO Ichiro, TSUBOI Nobuo, YOKOYAMA Keitaro, HORITA Shigeru, OKUMI Masayoshi, ISHIDA Hideki, YAMAMOTO Hiroyasu, YOKOO Takashi, TANABE Kazunari* | 2017/08 | Recurrence and graft loss after renal transplantation in adults with IgA vasculitis. | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology | 21(4):714-720 |
17 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/10 | Evaluation of preoperative aspartate transaminase/alanine transaminase ratio as an independent predictive biomarker in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma undergoing cytoreductive nephrectomy: A propensity score matching study. | Clinical genitourinary cancer | 15(5):598-604 |
18 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, TANABE Kazunari† | 2017/10 | Effect of systemic inflammation on survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving second-line molecular-targeted therapy. | Clinical genitourinary cancer | 15(4):495-501 |
19 | MIYAIRI Satoshi†, HIRAI Toshihito, ISHII Rumi, OKUMI Masayoshi, NUNODA Shinichi, YAMAZAKI Kenji, ISHII Yasuyuki, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/04 | Donor bone marrow cells are essential for iNKT cell-mediated Foxp3+ Treg cell expansion in a murine model of transplantation tolerance. | European journal of immunology | 47(4):734-742 |
20 | FUKUDA Hironori†, KONDO Tsunenori*, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, NAGASHIMA Yoji, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/08 | Limited benefit of targeted molecular therapy for inferior vena cava thrombus associated with renal cell carcinoma. | International Journal of Clinical Oncology | 22(4):767-773 |
21 | TACHIBANA Hidekazu†, TAKAGI Tosio, KONDO Tsunenori, ISIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/11 | Comparison of perioperative outcomes with or without renorrhaphy during open partial nephrectomy:A propensity score-matched analysis | International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology | 43:XX-XX |
22 | Tachibana Hidekazu†, Kondo Tsunenori, Takagi Toshio, Okumi Masayoshi, Tanabe Kazunari | 2017/11 | Impact of preoperative proteinuria on renal functional outcomes after open partial nephrectomy in patients with a solitary kidney. | Investigative and clinical urology | 58(6):409-415 |
23 | Kakuta Y、 Satoh S、 Watarai Y、 Aikawa A、 Tanabe K、 Harada H、 Yagisawa T、 Ishida H、 Okumi M、 Takahara S | 2017/11 | Successful Desensitization of T cell Flow Cytometry Crossmatch Positive Renal Transplant Recipients Using Plasmapheresis and Super High-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin. | Transplant Direct | 28;4(1) |
24 | OKADA Daigo†*, OKUMI Masayoshi*, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/12 | Early graft loss in two recipients of mate kidneys from the same donor with diabetic nephropathy. | Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis | 21(6):638-640 |
25 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/08 | Evaluation of first-line sorafenib treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma in kidney transplant patients: A single-center experience with four cases. | Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy | 21(4):414-423 |
26 | IKEMIYAGI Masako†, HIRAI Toshihito*, ISHII Rumi, MIYAIRI Satoshi, OKUMI Masayoshi, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/04 | Transitional B cells predominantly reconstituted after a desensitization therapy using rituximab before kidney transplantation. | Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy | 21(2):139-149 |
27 | Abe T、 Yazawa K、 Fujino M、 Imamura R、 Hatayama N、 Kakuta Y、 Tsutahara K、 Okumi M、 Ichimaru N、 Kaimori JY、 Isaka Y、 Seki K、 Takahara S、 Li XK、 Nonomura N. | 2017/04 | High-pressure carbon monoxide preserves rat kidney grafts from apoptosis and inflammation. | Lab Invest. | 97(4):468-477 |
28 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†*, ISHIDA Hideki, UNAGAMI Kohei, HIRAI Toshihito, OKUMI Masayoshi, OMOTO Kazuya, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/06 | Evaluation of microvascular inflammation in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. | Transplantation | 101(6):1423-1432 |
29 | MASUTANI Kosuke†*, TSUCHIMOTO Akihiro, KURIHARA Kei, OKABE Yasuhiro, KITADA Hidehisa, OKUMI Masayoshi, TANABE Kazunari, NAKAMURA Masafumi, KITAZONO Takanari, TSURUYA Kazuhiko | 2017/06 | Histological analysis in ABO-compatible and ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation by performance of 3- and 12-month protocol biopsies. | Transplantation | 101(6):1416-1422 |
30 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/09 | Time to progression after first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor predicts survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving second-line molecular-targeted therapy. | Urologic oncology | 35(9):542.e1-542.e9 |
31 | OMAE Kenji†, FUKUMA Shingo, IKENOUE Tatsuyoshi, KONDO Tsunenori, TAKAGI Toshio, ISHIHARA Hiroki, TANABE Kazunari*, FUKUHARA Shunichi | 2017/09 | Effect of ABO blood type on the outcomes of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitors. | Urologic oncology | 35(9):540.e7-540.e12 |
32 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/09 | Preoperative controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score as a novel predictive biomarker of survival in patients with localized urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract treated with radical nephroureterectomy. | Urologic oncology | 35(9):539.e9-539.e16 |
33 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2017/04 | 上部尿路癌に対する開腹手術によるリンパ節郭清の成績とその意義 | Japanese Journal of Endourology and ESWL30(1),2-8頁 | 30(1):2-8 |
34 | 近藤 恒徳†* | 2017/06 | 【まるごと ウロエマージェンシー】 その他さまざまなエマージェンシー 急性腎不全 | Uro-Lo: 泌尿器Care & Cure | 22(3):346-349 |
35 | 近藤 恒徳†* | 2017/04 | 【まるごと 泌尿器科の術式別術前・術後管理】腎臓surgery-術前術後管理 腎尿管全摘術(開腹、腹腔鏡下)の術前・術後管理 | Uro-Lo: 泌尿器Care & Cure | 22(2):133-135 |
36 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2017 | 標準的術式としてのロボット支援腹腔鏡下腎部分切除 | 日本ミニマム創泌尿器内視鏡外科学会雑誌 | 9(1):9-14 |
37 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2017 | 腎癌のサイトカイン療法(INF、IL2)は必要か? | 日本医事新報 | (4857):41-43 |
38 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2017/08 | 新腎・泌尿器癌(上)Ⅳ.腎盂尿管癌の治療 2.手術療法(3)リンパ郭清 | 日本臨床 | 75(増刊号6):497 |
39 | TACHIBANA Hidekazu†, TAKAGI Tosio, KONDO Tsunenori, ISIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2017/11 | Comparison of perioperative outcomes with or without renorrhaphy during open partial nephrectomy:A propensity score-matched analysis | International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology43,pp.XX-XX | 43:xx-xx |
40 | Tachibana Hidekazu†, Kondo Tsunenori, Takagi Toshio, Okumi Masayoshi, Tanabe Kazunari | 2017/11 | Impact of preoperative proteinuria on renal functional outcomes after open partial nephrectomy in patients with a solitary kidney. | Investigative and clinical urology58(6),pp.409-415 | 58(6):409-415 |
41 | Takagi T, Kondo T, Yoshida K, Kobayashi H, Iizuka J, Okumi M, Ishida H, Tanabe K. | 2017/11 | Comparison of Kidney Function in the Early Postoperative Period in Transperitoneal Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy between Anterior and Posterior Renal Tumors - A Propensity Score-Matched Study | J Endourol | doi: 10.1089/end.2017.0654. [Epub ahead of print] |
42 | Takagi T, Kondo T, Tachibana H, Iizuka J, Omae K, Yoshida K, Kobayashi H, Okumi M, Ishida H, Tanabe K | 2017/8 | .Comparison of Surgical Outcomes between Resection and Enucleation in Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Tumors According to the Surface-Intermediate-Base Margin Score: A Propensity Score-Matched Study | J Endourol | 31(8):756-761. |
43 | Takagi T, Kondo T, Tachibana H, Iizuka J, Omae K, Kobayashi H, Yoshida K, Tanabe K. | 2017/7 | Robot-assisted laparoscopic versus open partial nephrectomy in patients with chronic kidney disease: A propensity score-matched comparative analysis of surgical outcomes | Int J Urol | 24(7):505-510. |
44 | Takagi T, Kondo T, Okumi M, Ishida H, Tanabe K | 2017/4 | Differences in Clinical and Pathological Features of Renal Cell Carcinoma Between Japanese Patients After Kidney Transplantation and Those on Hemodialysis | Ther Apher Dial | 21(2):133-138. |
45 | 巴ひかる† | 2017/07 | 女性の尿失禁~診断と治療~ | 東京都医師会雑誌 | 70(6):27-31 |
46 | 巴ひかる† | 42736 | 今こそ女性は泌尿器科医になろう | 日本医事新報 | (4837),39-40頁 |
47 | 巴ひかる† | 42736 | 男と女の排尿障害 | 東京都医師会雑誌 | 70(1),68-72頁 |
48 | Tomoe Hikaru | 42767 | Editorial Comment to Are complications of stress urinary incontinence surgery procedures associated with the position of the sling?(査読付) | International Journal of Urology | 24(2),pp.150 |
49 | DOGGWEIER Regula, WHITMORE Kristene E, MEIJINK Jane M, DRAKE Marcus J, FRAWLEY Helena, NORDLING Jørgen, HANNO Philip, FRASER Matthew O,HOMMA Yukio, GARRIDO Gustavo, GOMES Mario J, ELNEIL Sohier, VAN DE MERWE Joop P, LIN Alex T L, TOMOE Hikaru | 42826 | A standard for terminology in chronic pelvic pain syndromes: A report from the chronic pelvic pain working group of the international continence society.(査読付) | Neurourology and urodynamics | 36(4),p p.984-1008 |
50 | OKUMURA Keiko, YAMAGUCHI Kumiko, TAMAKI atsuya, OIMURA Kazuhiro, TOMOE Hikaru, AKITA Keiichi | 42826 | Prospective analyses of female urinary incontinence symptoms following total hip arthroplasty.(査読付) | International urogynecology journal | l28(4),pp.56 1-568 |
51 | Tomoe Hikaru | 2017/12 | Editorial Comment to Does the suburethral sling change its location? | International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association | 24(12):854 |