著者・共著者名 |
発行年月 |
表題 |
掲載誌名 |
巻号頁 |
1 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2016/10 | 腫瘍切除と腎実質断面処理の手技の標準化 | Japanese Journal of Endourology | 29(2):162-166 |
2 | 古澤美由紀†, 石田英樹, 清水朋一, 乾政志, 尾本和也, 奥見雅由, 田邉一成 | 2016 | 臓器移植におけるimmunocomplex capture fluorescence analysis(ICFA)の基礎的検討 | 移植 | 51:52-57 |
3 | 海上耕平†, 小針悠希, 奥見雅由, 瀨川香, 土岐大介, 尾本和也, 清水朋一, 乾政志, 石田英樹, 田邉一成 | 2016 | 2次移植腎に再発したANCA関連血管炎の1例 | 腎移植・血管外科 | 27(1):62-67 |
4 | 白川浩希†*, 田邉一成 | 2016/05 | 抗血小板薬服用患者の献腎移植 | 腎臓内科・泌尿器科 | 3(5):517-522 |
5 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2016 | 腎部分切除ロボット支援腹腔鏡下腎部分切除をより優れた術式にするために-約200例の経験より- | 日本ミニマム創泌尿器内視鏡外科学会雑誌 | 8(1):87-93 |
6 | 服部元史*, 秋岡祐子, 近本裕子, 石塚喜世伸†, 久野正貴, 浅野達雄, 神田祥一郎, 三浦健一郎, 田邉一成, 石田英樹, 奥見雅由, 菅原典子, 宮井貴之, 中野栄治, 西山慶, 清水順也, 藤枝幹也 | 2016/08 | エベロリムスを用いた新規免疫抑制プロトコールによる小児腎移植3例の経験 | 日本小児腎不全学会雑誌 | 36:111-116 |
7 | 長谷川純平, 畠山修司, 若井幸子, 奥見雅由, 尾本和也, 石田英樹, 田邉一成, 白川浩希 | 2016/05 | 腎移植後のサイトメガロウイルス感染に対するpreemptive療法の臨床的検討 | 日本腎臓学会誌 | 58(3):382 |
8 | 蓑田亮, 海上耕平, 奥見雅由, 室宮泰人, 高木敏男, 近藤恒徳, 石田英樹, 田邉一成 | 2016/05 | 常染色体優性多発性嚢胞腎の腎細胞癌から全身転移を来した1例 | 日本透析医学会雑誌 | 49(1):768 |
9 | 海上耕平, 奥見雅由, 平井敏仁, 清水朋一, 尾本和也, 乾政志, 石田英樹, 田邉一成, 新田孝作 | 2016/05 | 腎移植患者における術前透析期間と心血管疾患の関係 | 日本透析医学会雑誌 | 49(1):517 |
10 | 濵﨑和代, 奥見雅由, 海上耕平, 石田英樹, 田邉一成 | 2016/05 | Transplant-associated TMAに対してeculizumabを使用し奏功した3例 | 日本透析医学会雑誌 | 49(1):432 |
11 | 石田英樹†* | 2016/07 | 抗体陽性症例への腎移植の実際―当院でのケースを中心に― | 日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 | 4(1):66-74 |
12 | 奥見雅由†* | 2016/05 | 動脈硬化の著しい患者に対する腎移植 | 泌尿器外科 | 29(臨時増刊):875-877 |
13 | 高木敏男†, 近藤恒徳, 田邉一成 | 2016/05 | CKD症例に対する腎部分切除術 | 泌尿器外科 | 29(臨時増刊):703-704 |
14 | 奥見雅由†, 田邉一成 | 2016/05 | 腎不全・腎移植とメンズヘルス | 泌尿器外科 | 29(臨時増刊):599-601 |
15 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2016/06 | 転移性腎癌に対するCytoreductive Nephrectomy ─ 2016 Update ─ | 泌尿器外科 | 29(6):951 |
16 | 近藤恒徳†* | 2016/12 | 下大静脈塞栓を伴う腎細胞癌に対する根治的腎摘除術 | 泌尿器外科 | 29(12):1721-1726 |
17 | TAKAGI Toshio†*, KONDO Tsunenori, IIZUKA Junpei, OMAE Kenji, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/06 | Comparison of survival rates in stage 1 renal cell carcinoma between partial nephrectomy and radical nephrectomy patients according to age distribution: a propensity score matching study. | BJU international | 117(6B):E52-E59 |
18 | OKUMI Masayoshi†*, SATO Yasuyuki, UNAGAMI Kohei, HIRAI Toshihito, TANABE Kazunari, ISHIDA Hideki | 2016/10 | Preemptive kidney transplantation: a propensity score matched cohort study. | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology | Clin Exp Nephrol. 2016 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print] |
19 | KAWABE Mayuko†, YAMAMOTO Izumi, KOMATSUZAKI Yo, YAMAKAWA Takafumi, KATSUMATA Haruki, KATSUMA Ai, MAFUNE Aki, NAKADA Yasuyuki, KOBAYASHI Akimitsu, TANNO Yudo, OHKIDO Ichiro, TSUBOI Nobuo, YOKOYAMA Keitaro, HORITA Shigeru, OKUMI Masayoshi, ISHIDA Hideki, YAMAMOTO Hiroyasu, YOKOO Takashi, TANABE Kazunari* | 2016/09 | Recurrence and graft loss after renal transplantation in adults with IgA vasculitis. | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology | online |
20 | NAKADA Yasuyuki†, YAMAMOTO Izumi*, HORITA Shigeru, KOBAYASH Akimitsu, MAFUNE Aki, KATSUMATA Haruki, YAMAKAWA Takafumi, KATSUMA Ai, KAWABE Mayuko, TANNO Yudo, OHKIDO Ichiro, TSUBOI Nobuo, YAMAMOTO Hiroyasu, OKUMI Masayoshi, ISHIDA Hideki, YOKOO Takashi, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/11 | The prognostic values of caveolin-1 immunoreactivity in peritubular capillaries in patients with kidney transplantation. | Clinical transplantation | 3(11):1417-1424 |
21 | OMAE Kenji†*, KONDO Tsunenori, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, TANABE Kazunri | 2016/07 | Use of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors after failure of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma undergoing hemodialysis: A single-center experience with four cases. | Hemodialysis International | 20(3):E1-E5 |
22 | OKUMI Masayoshi†*, UNAGAMI Kohei, HIRAI Toshihito, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/11 | Diabetes mellitus after kidney transplantation in Japanese patients:The Japan Academic Consortium of Kidney Transplantation study. | International Journal of Urology | online→Int J Urol. 2017 Mar;24(3):197-204 |
23 | OKUMI Masayoshi*, UNAGAMI Kohei, TACHIBANA Hidekazu, HIRAI Toshihito, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/09 | Association between body mass index and outcomes in Japanese living kidney transplant recipients: The role of sex differences. | International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association | 23(9):776-784 |
24 | TAKAGI Toshio†* | 2016/11 | Editorial Comment to Practical ex-vivo evaluation of application of surgical clips to sutures during re-approximation of renal tissue in partial nephrectomy. | International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association | 23(11):960-961 |
25 | TAKAGI Toshio†*, KONDO Tsunenori, OMAE Kenji, IIZUKA Junpei, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/09 | Comparison of progression to end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis after partial or radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma in patients with severe chronic kidney disease. | International urology and nephrology | 48(9):1421-1427 |
26 | OKUMI Masayoshi†*, OMOTO Kazuya, UNAGAMI Kohei, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/05 | Eculizumab for the treatment of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome recurrence after kidney transplantation associated with complement factor H mutations: a case report with a 5-year follow-up. | International urology and nephrology | 48(5):817-818 |
27 | TAKAGI Toshio*†, KONDO Tsunenori, TACHIBANA Hidekazu, IIZUKA Junpei, OMAE Kenji, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/10 | A propensity score-matched comparison of surgical precision obtained by using volumetric analysis between robot-assisted laparoscopic and open partial nephrectomy for T1 renal cell
carcinoma: a retrospective non-randomized observational study of initial outcomes. | International urology and nephrology | 48(10):1585-1591 |
28 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/06 | The magnitude of best tumor shrinkage during second-line targeted therapy affects progressionfree survival but not overall survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. | Japanese journal of clinical oncology | 46(6):568-574 |
29 | OKUMI Masayoshi†*, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/07 | Prevention and treatment of atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome after kidney transplantation. | Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) | 21(suppl1):9-13 |
30 | ODANI Keiko†, OKUMI Masayoshi*, HONDA Kazuho, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/07 | Kidney transplantation from a mother with unrecognized Fabry disease to her son with low α-galactosidase A activity: A 14-year follow-up without enzyme replacement therapy. | Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) | 21(suppl1):57-59 |
31 | SAWADA Anri†*, KAWANISHI Kunio, HORITA Shigeru, KOIKE Junki, HONDA Kazuho, OCHI Ayami, KOMODA Mizuki, TANAKA Yoichiro, UNAGAMI Kohei, OKUMI Masayoshi, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari, NAGASHIMA Yoji, NITTA Kosaku | 2016/07 | Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin G deposits complicated by immunoglobulin A nephropathy in the renal allograft. | Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) | 21(suppl1):48-52 |
32 | IKEDA Takashi†, OKUMI Masayoshi*, UNAGAMI Kohei, KANZAWA Taichi, SAWADA Anri, KAWANISHI Kunio, OMOTO Kazuya, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/07 | Two cases of kidney transplantation-associated thrombotic microangiopathy successfully treated with eculizumab. | Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) | 21(suppl1):35-40 |
33 | SHIMIZU Tomokazu†*, TOMA Hiroshi, HAYAKAWA Nozomi, ISHII Rumi, ISHIYAMA Ryou, HAYASHIDA Akihiro, FUJIMORI Daiji, TSUNOYAMA Kuniko, IKEZAWA Eri, KITAJIMA Syoji, IIDA Shoichi, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari, HONDA Kazuho, KOIKE Junki | 2016/07 | Clinical and pathological analyses of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy cases after kidney transplantation. | Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) | 21(suppl1):26-30 |
34 | TOKI Daisuke†*, INUI Masashi, ISHIDA Hideki, OKUMI Masayoshi, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, SHIRAKAWA Hiroki, OMOTO Kazuya, UNAGAMI Kohei, SETOGUCHI Kiyoshi, KOIKE Junki, HONDA Kazuho, YAMAGUCHI Yutaka, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/07 | Interstitial fibrosis is the critical determinant of impaired renal function in transplant glomerulopathy. | Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) | 21(suppl1):20-25 |
35 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, OMAE Kenji*, IIZUKA Junpei, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, FUKUDA Izumi, KONDO Tsunenori, HIZUKA Naomi, NAGASHIMA Yoji, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/07 | Late recurrence of a malignant hypoglycemia-inducing pelvic solitary fibrous tumor secreting high-molecular-weight insulin-like growth factor-II: A case report with protein analysis. | Oncology Letters | 12(1):479-484 |
36 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, KONDO Tsunenori*, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/10 | Sarcopenia and the modified glasgow prognostic score are significant predictors of survival among patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma who are receiving first-line sunitinib treatment. | Targeted Oncology | 11(5):605-617 |
37 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, SHIMIZU Tomokazu*, Unagami Kohei, HIRAI Toshihito, TOKI Daisuke, OMOTO Kazuya, OKUMI Masayoshi, IMAI YOICHI†, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/04 | Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in kidney transplant recipients: A single-center experience in Japan. | Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis | 20(2):165-173 |
38 | TSUJIMURA Kazuma†*, SHIRAKAWA Hiroki, ISHII Rumi | 2016/12 | Donor with membranous nephropathy in preemptive, living-related kidney transplantation. | Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy | 20(6):689-690 |
39 | ISHIHARA Hiroki†, ISHIDA Hideki, UNAGAMI Kohei, HIRAI Toshihito, OKUMI Masayoshi, OMOTO Kazuya, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, TANABE Kazunari† | 2016/08 | Evaluation of microvascular inflammation in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. | Transplantation | Epub ahead of print→Transplantation. 2017 Jun;101(6):1423-1432 |
40 | MASUTANI Kosuke†, TSUCHIMOTO Akihiro, KURIHARA Kei, OKABE Yasuhiro, KITADA Hidehisa, OKUMI Masayoshi, TANABE Kazunari, NAKAMURA Masafumi, KITAZONO Takanari, TSURUYA Kazuhiko | 2016/07 | Histological analysis in ABO-compatible and ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation by performance of 3- and 12-month protocol biopsies. | Transplantation | Epub ahead of print→Transplantation. 2017 Jun;101(6):1416-1422 |
41 | UNAGAMI Kohei†*, ISHIDA Hideki, OKUMI Masayoshi, HIRAI Toshihito, TOKI Daisuke, OMOTO Kazuya, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, INUI Masashi, NITTA Kosaku, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/09 | Assessment of 4 cases of kidney transplantation from hepatitis C virus antibody-positive and RNA-negative donors to antibody-negative recipients. | Transplantation DIRECT | 2(9):e102-e102 |
42 | INUI Masashi†*, MIYAZATO Tomonori, FURUSAWA Miyuki, OKUMI Masayoshi, OMOTO Kazuya, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/07 | Successful kidney transplantation after stepwise desensitization using rituximab and bortezomib in a highly HLA-sensitized and ABO incompatible high titer patient. | Transplantation DIRECT | 2(8):e92 |
43 | IIZUKA Junpei†*, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, HASHIMOTO Yaichiro, KONDO Tsunenori, TAKAGI Toshio, NOZAKI Taiji, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, AKIMOTO Tetsuo, ISHIDA Hideki, KARASAWA Kumiko, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/04 | Efficacy and feasibility of intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer in renal transplant recipients. | Transplantation proceedings | 48(3):914-917 |
44 | IIZUKA Junpei, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, HASHIMOTO Yaichiro, KONDO Tsunenori, TAKAGI Toshio, NOZAKI Taiji, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, AKIMOTO Tetsuo, ISHIDA Hideki, KARASAWA Kumiko, TANABE Kazunari† | 2016/04 | Efficacy and feasibility of low-dose rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer in renal transplant recipients. | Transplantation proceedings | 48(3):910-913 |
45 | IIZUKA Junpei†*, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, KONDO Tsunenori, TAKAGI Toshio, INUI Masashi, NOZAKI Taiji, OMOTO Kazuya, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/04 | Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer in asian renal transplant recipients. | Transplantation proceedings | 48(3):905-909 |
46 | HASEGAWA Junpei†*, SHIRAKAWA Hiroki, IMAIZSUMI Y, OGAWA H, YOSHIKAWA K, KONO M, SAITO T, ISHIWATARI Ayumi, SANO N, KAWANISHI Tomoko, SHIMIZU A, OGAWA Toshie, ABE Y, ENDO Mariko, OMOTO Kazuya, TANABE Kazunari, WAKAI Sachiko | 2016/04 | Preemptive living donor kidney transplantation and kidney function at the initial hospital visit: A single-center casee-control study. | Transplantation proceedings | 48(3):827-830 |
47 | YAMANAKA Kazuaki, NAKAZAWA Shigeaki, KAKUTA Yoichi, KATO Taigo, ABE Toyofumi, IMAMURA Ryoichi, OKUMI Masayoshi, ICHIMARU Naotsugu, KYO M, KYAKUNO M, TAKAHARA Shiro, NONOMURA Norio | 2016/04 | Induction immunosuppressive therapy with everolimus and low-dose tacrolimus extended-release preserves good renal function at 1 year after kidney transplantation. | Transplantation proceedings | 48(3):781-785 |
48 | TSUJIMURA Kazuma†*, SHIRAKAWA Hiroki, TOKUMOTO Tadahiko, ENDOU Mariko, WAKAI Sachiko, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari | 2016/04 | Utility of the Japanese glomerular filtration rate equation in estimating glomerular filtration rate of donor kidney. | Transplantation proceedings | 48(3):734-737 |
49 | 巴ひかる† | 2016/04 | 女性の下部尿路症状 | 日本医師会雑誌 | 145(1):49-52 |
50 | 巴ひかる† | 2017/01 | 今こそ女性は泌尿器科医になろう | 日本医事新報 | (4837):39-40 |
51 | 巴ひかる† | 2016/04 | 10 女性下部尿路機能障害の外科治療 | 泌尿器Care&Cure Uro-Lo | 21(2):59-65 |
52 | TOMOE Hikaru† | 2017/02 | Editorial Comment to Are complications of stress urinary incontinence surgery procedures associated with the position of the sling? | International Journal of Urology | 24(2):150 |
53 | HOMMA Yukio, UEDA Tomohiro, TOMOE Hikaru, TL Lin Alex, KUO Hann-Chorng, LEE Ming-Huei, OH Seung-June, KIM Joon Chul, LEE Kyu-Sung | 2016/07 | Clinical guidelines for interstitial cystitis and hypersensitive bladder updated in 2015 | International Journal of Urology | 23(7):542-549 |
54 | OKUMURA Keiko, YAMAGUCHI Kumiko, TAMAKI Tatsuya, OINUMA Kazuhiro, TOMOE Hikaru, AKITA Keiichi | 2016/09 | Prospective analyses of female urinary incontinence symptoms following total hip arthroplasty. | International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction | →Int Urogynecol J. 2017 ;28(4):561-568.F57 |
55 | DOGGWEILER Regula, WHITMORE Kristene E, MEIJLINK Jane M, DRAKE Marcus J, FRAWLEY Helena, NORDLING Jorgan, HANNO Philip, FRASER Matthew O, HOMMA Yukio, GARRIDO Gustavo, GOMES Mario J, ELNEIL Sohier, VAN DE MERWE Joop P, LIN Alex T L, TOMOE Hikaru* | 2016/08 | A standard for terminology in chronic pelvic pain syndromes: A report from the chronic pelvic pain working group of the international continence society. | Neurourology and urodynamics | →Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 Apr;36(4):984-1008 |